
Financial Vulnerability Assessments

The Financial Conduct Authority defines vulnerability in terms of financial vulnerability, life events, health and competence.  How do regulated firms’ embed vulnerability assessments into their operational processes that are proportionate and pragmatic? The PrinSIX platform enables clients to achieve both.

Financial vulnerability assessments have four steps


Triage vulnerability

If there are no risk indicators, don’t put customers through an unnecessary or inappropriate assessment


Understand the root cause of potential vulnerability

While the symptoms may be visible in customers’ financial circumstances, the root cause won’t be. Is a recent drop in income short term as the customer changes jobs, or longer term due to illness?  That needs engagement with the customer.


Understand at risk customer’s financial symptoms in more depth

Credit bureau and Open Banking data are the richest sources of insight.


Mitigate identified vulnerabilities

Ddeliver the right solutions appropriate to each customer. Forbearance, payment holidays, product changes, signposting are just some examples of mitigations – but each firm will have different ways to protect their customers.

The PrinSIX solution

PrinSIX Orchestrates vulnerability journeys that meet the needs of every customer, through every channel.

PrinSiX’s customer risk assessment model combines Credit report and Open Banking to get the deepest insight into customers’ financial circumstances highlighting vulnerabilities.

Provide digital journeys to further investigate these vulnerabilities and provide support.

Capture behavioural information throughout the journey which may highlight issues in customers capacity and understanding.

Allow customers to self-declare vulnerabilities in the journey and then provide them options for support which are relevant to them

PrinSIX helps our clients maximise understanding of customers’ financial position, while minimising customer friction.

Financial Vulnerability Assessments

Insights from the blog


Preparing for the Interest Rate Rise Aftershock

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Horror Stories and Bad Debt: How can we tackle financial vulnerability?

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Our approach

Our clients understand their customers. The PrinSIX team understand digital orchestration. Our collaborative approach combines both to realise the true digital potential that exists in our clients’ businesses.