As consumers face 5.25% interest rates, it’s critical that financial institutions are able to provide individual customer journeys at scale.
Launch of Leeds based fintech start-up set to tackle inclusion
Here at PrinSIX, we aim to revolutionise and simplify the way that the financially vulnerable access financial and utility services.
Horror Stories and Bad Debt: How can we tackle financial vulnerability?
The UK is a nation in debt Horror stories about payday lenders and tv programmes about high court enforcement litter the national media. Indeed,...
Regulating for better outcomes – next steps in consumer credit
The FCA has published a speech on consumer credit focusing on consumer outcomes and needs, particularly for those in a vulnerable position.
How well are digital journeys protecting the financially vulnerable?
For financial services vulnerable customers are a key concern. PrinSIX software can improve onboarding to support the financially vulnerable
Vulnerability – How Effective Are Digital Customer Journeys?
When potential vulnerability is identified, what are effective mitigation strategies? How do we give lenders more tools than decline?
Monzo And TrueLayer Use Open Banking To Protect Customers
Digital bank Monzo and open finance tech expert TrueLayer have partnered to create a new ‘gambling block’ for vulnerable customers.
Stronger Imperatives for Action for Vulnerable Customers
The pandemic’s impact has led to an increase in the incidence & complexity of consumer vulnerabilities. Discover the areas where firms need to take action.