In its latest platform release, PrinSIX has announced the integration of digital signatures through deep integration with DocuSign
Digital signatures are a convenient way to streamline the processing of customer applications processes and onboarding. They take an applications process to their natural conclusion of completing a signed document.
Document signature is a key stage in any application journey which, if not optimised, can have very detrimental effects on journey completion. With this burgeoning requirement for smooth digital transaction management and user authentication, the demand for digital signatures is rising. The global market for digital signatures is expected to advance at a CAGR of 29% during 2021-2030 to attain value of $25 billion by the end of the forecast period.
Chief Technology Officer of PrinSIX, Richard Cornelius, thinks that the added functionality will bring significant benefits to customers,
“Whilst digital signatures are nothing new in the onboarding experiences offered by organisations, what’s game-changing is the way we’ve managed to smooth the onboarding experience and build it into our orchestration engine. It means that our customers can automate their end-to-end onboarding journeys without having to take on additional steps of integration. Chiefly, our major time and energy have gone into the user journey experience, making sure it’s as painless and straightforward as it possibly can be.”

PrinSIX offers a best in class personalised digital journey orchestration platform. Its technology empowers businesses to achieve a step-change in customer experience while honouring compliance obligations, not least the Financial Conduct Authorities ‘Treating Customers Fairly’ ethos enshrined in Principle Six; a key pillar of its ’11 Principles for Business’ as criteria to measure and regulate company conduct.
Julian Graham Rack, CEO of PrinSIX, believes the approach taken by the startup company to deeply integrate digital document signatures into its digital journey orchestration system underpins its commitment to offer the very best onboarding experience for customers by concentrating on the small things.
“There’s a fundamental principle we adopt in our business which is formed around marginal gains philosophy to software development, where we pay attention to features that yield a succession of small but noticeable improvements. Enhance a dozen capabilities of an onboarding system each by 5% and suddenly you have a world-beating product.”
Graham Rack believes PrinSIX has made a blend of industry knowledge and attention to detail its competitive advantage.
“In our case, we know that users notice ‘the small things’ in their digital journey. By investing in our digital orchestration platform, financial service providers (and other commercial and governmental organisations) can bolt on the very best personalised journey management solution; because, while we can take the time to perfect every instrument of our craft, commercial businesses and software houses have to stretch their development resources to meet every IT requirement needed to fulfil their business model.”